Thursday, June 18, 2015


When I blog, There is always something that I wanted to shout out.
People misunderstood me too fast,
maybe the way I react makes people misunderstood,
but it's somehow not true.
Ok, this is my shout out...

Im not those typical blogger where I got to update so frequently,
I don't know hwy, but when something comes into my mind,i will just type it here.
When I want to look back, I can just visit here.

I don't know how will my future is going to be,
but all i know now is, study hard, work hard, and don't forget to play hard.

When age grows older, I started to think of my own personality.
who am I?
Is it he girl that always laugh like an idiot where she don't even care about how people think about herself?
Is it the girl that will always be stronger as before where no one can fight over her?
Is it the girl that always think positively no matter how hard the obstacles is she going to face.

Oh...Dear Goh Sher Lin,
Where are you?
Please, go back to your own self,
You said that you are stronger than anyone,
you told yourself that won't fall down even though you are facing all those heart broken situation.
You even told yourself that you got to be happy than the others.
Did you did it?

Yes I did, I did it every single time,
And I succeed,
I'm always trying my best to be the most happy person in the world.
Because I met the one that gives me hope and peacefulness no matter where am I.
That person doesn't care about my look, nor my voice, nor my size, nor my height, nor my thoughts.
That person will always teach me and guide me the right way on how to go through my own life.
That person taught me how to be happy, taught me how to stay strong.
Because That person had told me what is the purpose of me living in this world.
-And it is because of love- 

And I found out that,
I am the girl who will be getting stronger when everyone started to look down on me.
And I am the girl who will always think positively.
And...I am the girl, who will be the most happy person in the world.
Because I found hope, I found love :D

Pictures below are my life throughout the whole half year.

Malacca trip with friends

Langkawi trip with classmates

Malacca trip

2nd haircut for this year

First haircut for this year

We went Malacca to have "gong woh tong" 

Degree life

Primary friends

Ipoh "zhap gor beng"

Degree classmates

Hello selfie queen!

Our first presentation in degree

Childhood friend for life!

The most important person in my life...
Thanks for your every single bit of love that you gave me every second!

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